Online search and blog site offers shoppers - from furniture dealers and interior designers to individual consumers - the ability to locate and research green furniture manufacturers and their products and then contact the factories directly to find local distributors. The site, at, features furniture from such green manufacturers as American Leather, Green and Sienna, and many more. was launched by Vicki Semke, of Mig and Tig Furniture in Chicago, and Jerod Lazan, of Mortise & Tenon in Los Angeles. Even though neither of these 20-year-old boutique retailers has an e-commerce presence, the owners could not ignore the fact that a significant portion of their customers were visiting their brick-and-mortar stores only after conducting extensive Internet research to determine where to shop for custom-made home furnishings.
With, Semke and Lazan have made it simple for consumers to find eco-friendly, custom-made furniture and connect with local retailers who offer those products.