They used limestone to form the pyramids. The Parthenon, the coliseum, castles, palaces, stone is not new by any means.

However, it is being rediscovered in the modern world.

Never truly forgotten, stone has been put on the back burner for the last few centuries. In this time we have had a steel revolution, and learned to mold plastic chairs that are the same shape as our butts.

Technology has exploded in the last few centuries, and all of its innovations have left little time for the natural world. Instead we have chosen the perfection of metal, the comfort of cushion, and the order of more controllable materials.

But enough is enough. Humans can only take so much order before they need to break out, and put a little chaos into their lives.

We are natural creatures, ancient hunter gatherers who stalked the plains and mountains in search of safety and food. While we may wear a collar and tie, conform to the rule of the pack, and act civilized and dainty, we are not tame creatures at our core. We are wild, primitive, powerful creatures that yearn to be free.

And how do we express this? We rediscover stone. We make friends with mother earth all over again, and surround ourselves in her chaotic beauty.

You can see it today, all across the world. Stone flooring, counters, walls, veneers it is everywhere. They are even crafting natural stone into home decor products such as clocks, vases, chess sets, and candle holders.

It is not just marble that is being used either. It is rustic materials such as clefting slate and sandstone, and weathered limestone. People are becoming more interested in the stones that aren’t perfect, that aren’t straight and ordered.

We are tired of order. Anarchy reigns. At least in the world of design.

And to think, perhaps this change in the nature of our homes and offices will reflect in a change of our minds.

Will we become more primitive? More savage? Are we going to be more warlike?

Or perhaps we will just revel in the thrill of the hunt again, even if all we are hunting is to be found right within our homes.

For more information on all aspects of natural stone you can visit

PebbleArt Inc.
689 Main St.
Westbury, NY 11590
1 866 STONE 16 EXT 4
Fax: 1 516 334 6767
Contact: Joseph Daegons