Everyone wants to concentrate on relationships or prosperity, but a little wisdom can go a long way in just about all the other areas of life. I've seen people doing just about everything they can think of in the relationship gua and totally ignoring the wisdom zone, only to create the same dumb relationship over and over again. And once they consider a possible imbalance in wisdom, the light goes on, and they shift into a better space, attracting a better love life.

Use this area to gain wisdom about anything, from the night class you are taking to the inner work necessary to really bring about significant life changes.

To find your skills and knowledge zone, walk through your front door and take a left. 


Things to ADD:

Blue: Blue is considered an inward-focusing color and works well here. From the wall paint to the lampshade, add a little blue to increase the brain vibes.

Light: If you want to "shed some light on the subject" or get "a bright idea" or gain enlightenment, add the literal symbol for it here. No more "the lights are on but nobody's home" for you!

Symbols of mentors or wise people: I have seen people use some very cool wisdom symbols: Solomon from the Bible, Merlin, Albert Einstein, Mozart, Gandhi. Choose one that resonates with you and you'll get that wisdom corner working for you. Even a penny with wise old Lincoln on it can be considered your best one-cent investment for the future.

Meditation items: If you do any meditation work, this part of your home or room can help hold that focus for you. Create a sacred space for quiet thoughts in your home and you won't believe how much more calm you will be.

Sharp knives and other metal: Having sharp kitchen tools helps you be "sharp as a tack" or have a "razor-sharp mind".

Things to REMOVE:

Alcohol or drugs: These things dull the mind and any wisdom you try to muster up. Get them out of here!

Clutter: If there's clutter in your home (especially here), there's clutter in your mind. Clear your mind by clearing out any unnecessary items from this part of your room or house.

Unclear stuff: And speaking of clearing, here's a plug for Windex. If you aren't thinking as clearly as you used to, try cleaning the computer monitor, the TV, the windows and glass in the doors. If you see clearly in the house, you see things more clearly in life.

Unwise symbols: Don't place anything that can be misconstrued as "a stupid move" or "just doesn't get it" here, such as an old article about the stock market crash or about Robert Downey Jr. Be mindful with this area and your mind will be ever-full.