- Stand back and observe: When most people get their furniture, they find the wall that has nothing on it, and automatically push the sofa and chairs against it, and hope that the views can be enjoyed wherever the furniture lands. Instead, step back inside of your space and observe where the best views are. If you have multiple windows with beautiful vistas, decide what furniture will look best against the window, and what conversational pieces you can place across from the window. While you need guests to feel comfortable, you also what them to enjoy your gorgeous scenery.
- How do you like to be awakened? No, this isn’t a trick question, but honestly, some people enjoy being awakened by the morning sun, and others would prefer the sun to be to the side, or back of them. Positioning your bed towards a window that gets morning sun may be a beautiful awakening, and to others it feels bothersome. Decide for yourself and you want to take advantage of beautiful views in your bedroom, before moving your bed!
- A few key pieces of furniture: If your space has floor to ceiling windows and panoramic views, a lot of furniture will clutter your space and compete with the views. Try to limit your furniture to a few key pieces of furniture, such as a sitting chair, dresser, and bed for a bedroom. In a living room space, consider a couch, coffee table and a few complimentary chairs to pull the room together. To take advantage of the views, limit how much furniture is placed directly against the windows, as it will also make the room feel smaller.