Their opinion: The American house of 2008 will be smarter, greener and sleeker than before. But here’s the trick: Homeowners want a home that will work now — and 10 years from now.
Here’s an abbreviated rundown of what’s hot — and what’s not — for your home in 2008.WHAT’S IN
The destination bathroom
The smart house, operated by phone
Turning the house inside out (the trend of bringing the indoors outdoors )
The return of glamour in furniture and décor
Concealed appliances
Home elevators
Bolder Fabrics
The colors of 2008 (a “spice-inflected” palette of colors)
Living Rooms
Oversized furniture
Dark and heavy (textures on walls, deep, rich colors, lots of molding, etc)
Mosaic tile
The Taj-Ma ceiling (tall ceilings)