It was designed by 3rd space and it’s a modular studio built in the garden of a literature professor who lives in Oxfordshire. The owner wanted a space where she could store her book collection but she ended up having much more than that.

The library is a modular space with a flexible interior design. This means that the rooms inside can be used for pretty much anything. They have a simple and versatile design and they be easily re-purposed.

The library is a prefab structure and this gives it another advantage. The structure can be easily taken apart, flat-packed and moved to another location. It’s a wonderful option for those who move frequently or who enjoy restructuring their property regularly.

This flexible and modular space was built in the garden of a literature professor in just five days.

The library has a simple black and white design with an exterior clad in black thermowood and an interior covered in white birch plywood. Glass covers one side of the structure and lets in natural light through the full-height windows. Inside, the two of the walls are covered with floor-to-ceiling shelves on which the extensive book collection is displayed.