If you are one of the lucky ones and have a breakfast bar in your kitchen, I really hope you know how lucky you really are! Breakfast bars are a great place to get a quick snack, decorate cookies and cupcakes, make nice spreads for fun get-togethers, chat with your loved ones or just read the morning paper with a nice cup of coffee. But you obviously need more than just some plain, boring stools! Take the extra time to figure out what the space needs and jazz it up a bit. And take the extra time to take a peek at some of our decorating tips to get you started.
1. Add funky stools.
We must say it again. Wooden, plain and boring stools just don’t cut it in the stylish department. Find some stools or taller, comfy chairs that have some personality. Color, shape, design … whatever fits your vision!
2. Shine some light on it.
Grab some great light fixtures to add something special to the breakfast bar. Highlight the space and add something more than just regular lampshades and light bulbs. Plus, the extra light will be great for decorating on the extra counter tops!
3. Display your home.
Create a warm, welcoming space by adding family photos. It’s a great place to display some of your favorite memories, starts fun conversations and add some punch to a usually bare tabletop.
4. Keep it colorful.
Breakfast is a time to wake up and smell the coffee! So add some color to the space. Breakfast bards are obviously associated with morning time and it should reflect that! The colors you choose should pop and remain cheerful.
5. Flowers are healthy.
Yes, flowers add color. Yes, flowers add a happy ethos. But they’re also great for your health. Fresh flowers brighten up your space and are good for your spirit. So, keep a vase full of your beautiful favorites.
6. Natural light, as always.
We’re big believers in natural light, especially when it comes to the kitchen. Breakfast nook or breakfast bar, bright sun is always a plus. And if you end up creating your own nook or bar, place is right in front of the window!
7. Pay attention to counter tops.
Make sure whatever counter top you have is functional for you. Even if you use your breakfast bar as extra workspace, as an “island,” then make sure you have a butcher block or granite … whatever works for you.