For the space, Disha Bhavsar and Shivani Ajmera, co-founders of Quirk Studio, chose a palette of deep emerald and bright pink hues, creating a playful backdrop to appeal to the brand's customers. An eye-catching LED sign with the Fancy Pants mantra, “Be Fierce Be Fancy,” adorns a wall in front of the changing rooms, adding a brightness to the bespoke paneling that is made of both corrugated and reflective surfaces.

Geometric brass display rungs throughout add a rich warmth to the space, which is matched by the neutral terrazzo floors. “While the store is filled with warmth and visual stimulation, the space is designed for a seamless shopping experience,” Ajmera shares. To create an illusion of deeper space in the narrow structure, tracklights and recessed downlights highlight products among the sinuous surfaces, inspired by traditional Indian shopping arcades.


A custom, novelty vending machine sparks intrigue near the changing room. Photography by Kuber Shah.


Soft curves are a recurring design element in the store, with finishes by Bharat Furnishings. Photography by Kuber Shah.


The terrazzo floor is manufactured locally in India. Photography by Kuber Shah.


The center console and strategically placed mirrors help control the flow of foot traffic. Photography by Kuber Shah.