Stand in the middle of your room and look around. If the room's interior is currently furnished, then find an item - such as a painting, sculpture, or knick-knack - that grabs your attention with the way the colors match other parts of your room. Go pick it up, if you can, because that is what you might want to consider basing your paint design on. If the room is bare then look out a window or use your imagination for inspiration.

Any retail store that sells paint can assist you by matching your colors with a pallet that is completely coordinated. You will be amazed at how a dark chocolate brown can compliment a burgundy wine red. At this point, do not start imagining how safe a boring interior white wall could be, and please understand that the color of the paint in the can will look quite different on the interior walls of your room.

Now before you begin, it is time to put the design in interior design! You are not just a decorator anymore. First, plan out your room. Draft a simple outline, or a complex one if you are courageous, of where each of your room items belong. Make it interesting by following a theme you can either create or take from a design template. Now, you do not need to exhaust yourself when it's time to paint, because it is time to use a secret weapon.

After all is said and done, and you finally have everything set up for the project, be sure to call all your friends and family to tell them to come over for a surprise. What's the surprise you ask? A painting party! Get out some simple cocktails and some munchies, and hand each guest a paintbrush or a roller. Perhaps it may be slightly underhanded to have your closest relations do the grunt work for you.

But after all that work, time, and effort spent being your own personal interior designer, don't you think you deserve to sit back, sip a glass of wine, and watch your design take shape without working up too much of a sweat?