Hans van Bentem, using fine Bavarian crystal and cutting techniques learned from generations of crystal makers, creates grandiose chandeliers for private and corporate clients, but van Bentem's works don't have the look or feel of their wide-skirted predecessors. They just may plant some new images of "chandeliers" in your mind.


1. The Lion

Created for the 2007 cercle DELUXE in Vienna, an extremely select audience of business persons, The Lion is part of the Rock and Royal display on exhibit. The wall mosaics surrounding the Lion are the works of Arno Coenen, a mosaic artist, also represented by Rock and Royal.




Chandelier Chains

For grand exhibitions in large deep staircase areas, van Bentem has created chandelier chains, such as the one shown below for the recently christened MS Eurodam of the Holland America cruise ship line. On the MS Eurodam, two chain chandeliers hang through the center of winding staircases through several levels of the theatre. The individual chandeliers represent different aspects of the theatre: the curtain (with a bow as the top chandelier and a tassle as the bottom chandelier), a theatre mask, a lute, and a lyre.



A few individual chandeliers included in the chains on the MS Eurodam are shown below.


2. Lyre Chandelier




3. Lute Chandelier



4. Mask Chandelier


This next grouping is from the Escher Museum in The Hague, located at the Paleis Lange Voorhout. Here van Betem was commissioned to produce 15 chandeliers, and he did so in surreal style to complement the style of M.C. Escher.



5. Globe Chandelier