![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/b517c971a82f509c557054e87a9ac94a.jpg)
![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/887f418823bded73cf7f91d2a7822ebe.jpg)
![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/258cdda44909879d8a88d79140d10c30.jpg)
![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/793cdd8b9bdd5f85eeb3278338bd6a05.jpg)
![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/03f4bcc46cc90b49710947e459b4da5f.jpg)
![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/6b1db725db8f2f0b10347b20a6bb23e0.jpg)
![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/47fab8a8d45e98cce3059d72ec1b148d.jpg)
![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/54ae7983d021f96a5ef00f2a97ba8de9.jpg)
![Calming and Attractive Turquoise Interior Bathroom Design Ideas [PHOTOS] - Bathroom - Photo - Design - Ideas](http://www.decorreport.com/inline/home/en/17b401860af5d75f021402a4d4b708f2.jpg)
A türkiz szín kifinomult, elegáns és modern; ezenkívül kellemes és letisztult érzetet kelt. Az árnyalat segítségével megnyugtató hangulatot teremthetsz a fürdőszobában. A következőkben bemutatunk néhány trendi türkiz színű fürdőszoba dekorációs ötletet, amelyekből inspirációt meríthettek.