Feng Shui experts use a map to determine the proper placement of things in the home or office. Every space has areas coinciding with relationships, wealth, success, health, children and learning. The objects in each of these areas should be positioned in a certain way or problems may enter your life. Certain colors and plants, as well as chimes and mirrors, are used to improve a particular situation.
As part of optimizing an environment, Feng Shui practitioners recognize that all living and non-living things (all of the things around us) are connected. If one thing is off-kilter or out of place, it has the potential to affect other areas of our lives. Feng Shui has applications in a number of arts and sciences related to the environment and our personal well-being, among them architecture, geography, astrology, landscape design and psychology. Through integrating personal energy with the energies in a particular space, Feng Shui can provide clarity and a heightened sense of well being.
The intricacies of Feng Shui can take years to learn. However, it is possible to learn and understand some of the basic concepts of Feng Shui fairly quickly and thereby improve your environment and life. Feng Shui can help you understand why certain patterns exist in your life and in particular environments. Many of the basic tenets of Feng Shui are exceedingly sensible and offer practical applications for improving specific areas of your life.
You don't need a map or years of experience in order to start improving your home or work environment. The following are a few easy steps designed to bring results today!