Mirrors basically have two basic funtions. 1. A mirror is for checking yourself out, primping and making sure you’re looking good. 2. A mirror should reflect something of interest, like a view. Keep this is mind and you’ll enjoy your mirror much more.
What kind of mirror should you hang in your home? Should you get a new mirror or leave the old one? So many questions, and here are a few answers. Did you know, a mirror can date the look of a home? It’s true, because mirrors can reflect the era in which the mirror was placed. In the 60-70’s people did walls of veined mirrors.
In the 80’s sectional mirrors were in style.
Nowadays, large framed mirrors are all the rage, but I think anything goes. First of all select a mirror that fits your style. Consider the style of the mirror with the style of your home, consider color of the frame, and the size of the mirror. But most importantly consider what the mirror will refect once hung on the wall. I think this is the biggest mistake people make when placing mirror(s) in their home. You might also want to think about the principles of Feng Shui before you hang a mirror.
“Mirrors are used quite often in Feng Shui with INTENT. They can be a way to intentionally draw someone into a space—or make them feel “pushed away.” For example, we usually recommend placing a mirror if you have a small entrance-way, to “grace” someone into the space. We also look for walls to hang mirrors where they reflect the outside. “Letting the Outside IN” is a Feng Shui Principle to create the Yin/Yang of a space. But every space is different and before hanging ANY mirrors, have someone hold them and see how they make you FEEL first.”
“Mirrors also Intensify and Magnify anything they are reflecting. If you hang a mirror and it’s reflecting a blank wall, you will double the energy of nothing. Always check to see the ENERGY of what that mirror faces. Some lovely artwork opposite a mirror is a wonderful addition…..some people want to intensify LIGHT as well.” Source: Carol Feng Shui Long Island